CD's, Cassettes & Vinyl are kinda unique....and drive me insane. Very loud, and sometimes very annoying, but also pretty cool, I like 'em. Let's look at them! Why didn't anyone tell me it's all Sonys fault, shakin' my head. SUBSCRIBE & follow meh • Twitter - • Instagram - Not a Song, music meme, memes that make, or ALBUM REVIEW or video essay, chill playlist, or song reaction, or anything like that or theneedledrop, fantano, Aflo Media, Degenerocity or SethEverman. This is more of a vlog / music video.

MusicMusic VideoAlbumAlbum ReviewAlbum ReactionSong ReactionCDCassetteVinylonlysmallbitesonly small bitesonlysmallbites channelanimated videobasically in 30 secondskanye westtheneedledropshawn ceedegenerocitytyler the creator